Thursday, May 26, 2011

Tangible interfaces, paper and more.

Index of Tangible Interfaces and Graspable Interfaces [from: here]

Paper++ "... research has shown that the persistence of paper is not merely a result of outdated work practices, rather, paper has 'affordances' which support collaboration and interaction in ways that the most advanced digital technologies cannot rival. In Paper++ we aim to exploit these properties whilst enriching paper with capabilities that can make it an effective resource for interacting with electronic media." [from: here]

Things that Hover: Interaction with Tiny Battery-less Robots on Desktop [from: article]

Wendy E. Mackay has many papers in this area:
- Exploring sustainable design with reusable paper [here]
- Musink: composing music through augmented drawing [here]

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Thinkering studio

Marble Machines - activity

Motions and Mechanisms

Origami, math and computation

History of Curved Origami Sculpture

[from: here]

Curved folding

[from: here]

"It’s a very simple pattern, using a series of straight and curved folds. Very neat."

[from: here]

Curved folds are use in packaging:

And something about the math angle here: Mathematics of paper folding

Artistic origami: here.

Other, non-origami, ways to build 3D objects with paper:
- ichinogami (here)
- paper automata (here)

A modular, marble machine with reusable parts.



A marble machine made of paper! [video]
Imagine using this idea to build a mechanical paper computing device, inspired by Babbage's analytical engine .

More marble machines here, here.

Portable DIY camera obscura


By: THOMAS SHERATON (1751 - 1806)